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Showing posts from August, 2018


A termite colony entering the foundation and structure of a home.  Discovered 8/6/18 by the inspector Robert Jones.  Termites need moisture and cellulose to live.  Termites create tunnels for protection to enter the structure.  The tunnels provide them protection from the elements and predators.  These tunnels are good indicators that the home may have structural damage.


This is known as a plumbing S-Trap.  S traps can actually siphon water out of the trap and allow sewer gasses to enter the home.  S-Traps have been prohibited for decades and are usually only present when a repair or installation has been done by an unqualified repair person.


If you see gray pipes in  your home they are probably Polybutylene.  Polybutylene (PB) was a plastic manufactured between 1978 and mid-1995 for use as piping in home plumbing systems. It was inexpensive and offered plenty of advantages over other materials, such as flexibility, ease of installation, resistance to freezing. Pipes made from polybutylene were installed in up to 10 million homes in the Unites States during that period. Despite its strengths, production was ceased in mid-1996 after scores of allegations surfaced claiming that polybutylene pipes were rupturing and causing property damage. In the homes that still contain this material, homeowners must either pay to have the pipes replaced or risk a potentially expensive plumbing failure. Read More